Results & Performance
Academic year 2023 - 24
Early Years Foundation Stage - Higher than national average
Vale School - 72% (National 2023 - 67.2%)
Year 1 Phonics - Significantly higher than national average
Vale School - 92% (National 2023 79%)
Year 2 Phonics - Higher than national average
Vale School - 100% (National 2023 89%)
Year 2 (KS1) Academic Outcomes - Significantly higher than national average
Vale School Reading - 85% (National 2023 68%)
Vale School Writing - 73% (National 2023 60%)
Vale School Mathematics - 79.8% (National 2023 70%)
Vale School Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling- 58.4% (No National Figure for 2023 available)
Vale School Science - 68.5% (National 2023 79%)
Year 6 (KS2) Academic Outcomes - Combined Significantly higher than national average
Vale School Reading, Writing, Mathematics Combined - 75% (National 2023 60%)
Vale School Reading - 86% (National 2023 73%) (With 51% of Vale children achieving the higher standard)
Vale School Writing - 81% (National 2023 71%) (With 10% of Vale children achieving the higher standard)
Vale School Mathematics - 87% (National 2023 73%) (With 33% of Vale children achieving the higher standard)
Vale School Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling- 85% (National 2023 72%) (With 44% of Vale children achieving the higher standard)
Vale School Science - 82% (National 2023 80%) (There is no Higher Standard calculated for Science)
Priorities for 2024/25:
Deeper analysis of all pupil groups from this academic year data sets
Focus on Pupil Premium, SEND, FSM, EAL groups to close gaps from Sept 2023
Milestones and checkpoints in place for EYFS pupils every 6 weeks to track progress and attainment
Year 1 and 2 Phonics - Phonics programme extended through Reception and Year 2
Ensure tracking of phonics includes immediate daily 10 minute intervention programmes
KS1 - Ensure positive progress this year continues and starts from Sept 2023
Multiplications check - Milestones and tables checking in place from Sept 2023 for all year groups
Year 6 - Track potential combined children more specifically to ensure writing is showing progress and attainment in line with Re and Ma (85%)
Years 3, 4, & 5 - Focus on milestones & track potential combined children more specifically to ensure Reading, Writing & Mathematics reaches 85% in each subject and at least 70% combined (Aspirational)
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